Thursday, 5 April 2012

Assignment 4 feedback

Got the feedback from Assignment 4, and I’m pleased to say that it reflects my learning from Assignment 3. I’ve posted it elsewhere, but I felt the submission was a significantly more substantial piece of work than my previous attempts (second attempt at Assignment 3 excepted). As a result of setting out my initial aims more clearly I was much better able to assess what I had achieved, and was better placed to explain my choices of photos.

My tutor described my images as ‘dramatic and telling’ which is pleasing. He does point out that I have not  “give(n) anything away in terms of the location so the reader would be relying on the text to indicate the town”. While I accept this point, I believe that my interpretation is legitimate as the brief only requires that I show the character of a specific location – not necessarily an identifiable one. In the context of this assignment I have interpreted this to mean that I should not try to illustrate small town Britain with a series of shots taken in different places. Since there is not suggestion that I need to re-shoot or add material to the set I’m hoping that this is not a major issue.

Overall I think I’m getting the hang of this now – although I guess the assessors are the ultimate judge of that.

Further reflection (06/06/12)

At my tutors suggestion I will be substituting this vertical crop for the original horizontal crop when it comes to my assessment submission:

Maryport 8


Similarly I will also be going with his suggestion to swap my first and second choices for the cover photo – using this next one of the steps for the cover rather than the shot of the car park (also below).

Maryport 6     Maryport First selects-1

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