Assignment 5 requires that I imagine myself receiving a commercial commission of some kind, with the only proviso being that it is about the subject of this course i.e. people and/or the places they inhabit. I am interpreting ‘inhabit’ as including places where the people work.
In real life I was recently asked by a colleague to photograph the company Innovations Conference – which supports the company suggestions scheme - to provide shots for use on the intranet and in the company newspaper. For this assignment I decided to extend this real brief to include the provision of photos for use in a promotional/celebratory brochure for use by the company and other sponsors of the event. The detailed brief, which puts me in the role of a small independent PR agency is as follows:
“Design and produce a high-quality 6-8 page promotional/commemorative brochure covering the Annual Innovations Conference. The brief covers all aspects of production from photography through to print subject to the Company approving the design prior to final design and print.”
For the purpose of this assignment I will obviously be stopping at the draft design phase, but the overall brief required me to pre-visualise some outline designs to inform my photography on the day, edit them down to the final selects and then use them to produce a draft brochure design. This will obviously require a range of shots, from portraits of senior staff and sponsors through group shots and facility/stage shots to details shots to help communicate the atmosphere – so as an idea it has already provided plenty to get my teeth into.
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